Dealing with your scheduling in an efficient way in the food industry can be a bit of a nightmare. Every single shift needs to be packed and buttressed with extra people on call. Then you have to call 4 to 8 people to them to let them know whether they need to show up that day, usually for two or three shifts a day.

We know how that goes. Half don’t pick up, and some don’t show up when asked, so you have to call in one of the others that you already told to stay home. That eats up a lot of your time and generates a lot of stress.

Consider simple cloud scheduling as a solution. You set up your work schedule with all of your on-call workers included, and then train all of your workers to check their schedule within an hour of shift change. This way, you can update the schedule up to an hour before the shift starts, and everyone can simply check the schedule online to see if they’re working.

No more phone calls.

The beauty of cloud based scheduling is similar to the email and cell-phone revolution. It unchained people from the telephone (just the calling aspect), where both people need to be able to take time out of their lives at exactly the same time and interrupt their meeting, meal, or workday to go somewhere that they can take a call without bothering other people.

That was far from optimal. Being able leave a concise message while someone else is busy, and their ability to check it at a glance, instead of digging up their voicemail, absolutely revolutionized the way people communicate over long-distances in a way that nobody anticipated.

Cloud scheduling does the same thing. You update the same schedule that used to hang outside your office online instead, and everyone has access to all changes you make on it in real time.

There are no excuses anymore under that system. They either check the schedule when they should, or they didn’t. You can simply fire employees who can’t be bothered, and save yourself the headache of hunting down your workers by phone every single day.

Your business can benefit from this streamlining technology. You can save your time from this menial task to do things that are more appropriate for a restaurant owner or manager. Your time is expensive, and using it in the most efficient way is an important part of maximizing profit in your business.

In a high turnover industry like food service, where employees are generally young people, it is especially important to stay on top of technological advancement. Your workers will know and understand this concept already, and will be more and more frustrated with pre-digital methods as this type of organization becomes a more entrenched part of how society does time management.

Do yourself, your employees, and your business a favor and work on streamlining your system for employee scheduling and management. You will notice the difference right away.